A healty diet

Episode 23: Why Candida Diets Don’t Work


About Me

Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Founder of Synergised and Synergised Nutrition and Host of The Health Formula Show. I will help you understand your body and mind, and transform your health. 


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In today’s Wellness Wednesday episode, we talk about why candida is so common, dangers of a fruit restrictive diet and so much more. Find out how to balance candida naturally and why candida diets don’t work!

Tune in to hear:

  • My own struggle with candida (5:50)
  • Why candida is so common (7:10)
  • The link between stress & candida  (7:58)
  • A ‘real life’ example of why candida diets don’t work (8:38)
  • Why some people relapse (13:22)

Episode Resources

  • Episode 20 (Link)
  • Organic Acid Test (Link)

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P.S. This podcast and website represents the opinions of Paula Benedi. The content here should not be taken as medical advice and is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare professional for any medical questions.

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Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, Founder of Synergised and Synergised Nutrition and Host of The Health Formula Show.

About Me

I'm Paula Benedi

I am passionate about healing the body from within – naturally and effectively. It was my own experience of ill health that sparked my passion for integrative medicine and, after graduating from law school, I realised that I needed to follow my gut (literally!). As a result, I became a certified Integrative Health Practitioner.

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